Camp Abide

Hi friends, Boyd here! I had the opportunity to design a website for Camp Abide, a youth summer camp here in North Carolina.

The Process

This was a fun project, focusing on some fun colors and informal text. It all still needed to work well and be clear. Combining that with the nitty-gritty details was a fun challenge. There’s a UX technique called “progressive disclosure” that helps here by keeping the information compact until a visitor needs to dig in deeper.

This project was a quicker turn around time, having a pretty clear direction from the outset and a lot of media assembled in advance.

The Handoff

This project featured a good handful of integrations with heavy media use and Instagram feeds. It’s always fun to bring social feeds in to keep things fresh and engaging.

This site was also a good example of why I like to live in Squarespace. I can build things out with a whole lot of creative freedom with the design and throw in custom code as needed, but the editor is user friendly and, with a little training, simple to pick up after things are built. For clients who don’t want ongoing support, a quick onboarding and handoff session can get you up to speed and ready to manage things in-house.

Interested in learning more about this project? Want to hear how you can add nifty integrations to your website too? Just get in touch to book a complimentary half-hour consultation, I’m happy to help!

Boyd Johnson

Hi I’m Boyd Johnson! I’m a designer based in hickory North Carolina and serving the surrounding region. I’ve been in the design world for well over a decade more and love it dearly. I thrive on the creative challenge and setting design make real world impact.

Hickory Bible Church